Thank you for your interest in Swan Songs. We appreciate and need you!
To learn more about volunteering, complete the Volunteer Interest Form for Austin, Texas or Portland, Oregon (links below) & tell us about yourself! Someone will be in touch with you about becoming more involved. Volunteer roles include:
Concert Liaison
A deeply meaningful and gratifying role, Swan Songs Concert Liaisons attend the private concerts and act as facilitator between the musician, recipient, family, and health care professionals. Each of our Concert Liaisons is personally trained to a code of conduct and signs a confidentiality agreement prior to facilitating private concerts.
Event Volunteer
Each year, Swan Songs hosts fundraising, outreach and programmatic events. For fundraising events, volunteers might assist with silent auction collection, set up and tear down at the venue, greeting guests, etc. An example of a programmatic event would be a Volunteer Appreciation Gathering or an annual memorial service for all Swan Songs constituents.
Admin Support
As Swan Songs grows, so does the infrastructure and need for diligent record keeping, database updates, mailings, filing, and more. For those who enjoy behind the scenes organizational work, this is a good fit.