Remember & Reflect

Donations made in memory of a loved one become part of our Remember and Reflect™ tradition - which includes the Remember and Reflect Gathering each June and this online Remember and Reflect Memorial Wall.

We are also pleased to present here the names of those who are still with us and for whom donations have been made in their honor.

Special thanks to Catrin Welz-Stein for allowing us to use her 23.6“ x 31.5“ digital artwork “Winter Princess” as the official 2024 Remember and Reflect image. Visit her website here. 

Thank you to the 2024 Remember and Reflect Sponsor - Weed-Corley-Fish. We appreciate your support!

Remember & Reflect Memorial Wall

In addition to those pictured above, donations have also been made in memory of:

Kent Acord

Mary Alroth

David Julian Amstel

Sam Anderson

Lillian Andrews

Michael Austin

Peter Barbour

Jered Barclay

Thad Beckman

Rachel Guarniere Bejma

Norma Bell

Judge Pete Benavides

Elaine Betcher

Tom Bible

Joanne Blair

Ben Bowers

James (Jim) Boyd

Ginger Brendle

Anna Belle Burkhart

Myrtis Burleigh

Martha Byrom

Dr. Sherry Caine

Ermah Y. Cahoon

Rae  Calvert

Geen Carroll

Faye Carnes

Jan Carpenter

Trinity & Julius Casarez

Laura Cheney

Henry Wong Cheu

Sally Cheu

W. C. Clark

James H. Collier

Paige and Garret Cowley

William Crocken

Helen T. Cross

Jean Dalke

Suzan Deaton

Marie DeBiase

Tina Deloach

Prem Swarup Devulapalli

Priscilla Dickenson

Tony DiLeonardo-Gregg

Will Dugas

Stacey Simpson Duke

Dolores Dunn

Ida Mae East

Bobby Evans

Dolores Ewing

Basil & Nadya Fedum

Carol Fenske

Connie and Chris Fontana

Oliver Franklin

Cesar Alberto Manduca Gambus

Tom Garey

Darrell Garnett

Wilhemenia Gilligan

Connie Gonzalez

Nancy Gordon

Hazel Graham

Nina & Bill Gray

James M Greenfield, Jr

James M Greenfield, Sr

Thelma Greenfield

Tamara Gunter

Blanca Hale

Tim Hale

Steve Harvey

Karen Haverlah

Joyce Hays

Dave Hill

Newman Hood

Robert Holmes

Jean B. Holzaepfel

Nancy Jackson

Oliver Jackson

Sharon Jean

Bruce Jennings

Bettie and Al Jones

Therrell & Dorothy Kennedy

Gene Kilpatrick

Richard H. Kimball

Anna Kimbrough

Judith King

Chuck Knesel

Han Kook

Dee & Bert Lange

Jade Christine Laswell

David Leffler

James Otis Lindsey, II, MD

Reed Loflin

Nick Logan

Eve McArthur

Jack McCracken

Mike McKinney

Everett Madin

Audrey Manley

Ronna Martin

Mary Mansfield

Stephen Ray Marak

Vanessa Tate Matocha

Cecilia Melian

David Moffitt

Paul Montgomery

Ann McLeod Moody

Gloria Bliss Moore

Basil Nadya

Lillian Nadzieja

Doris Nelson

Dorothy Newbury

Mamie Jane Nickells

Curtis Nichols

Garrett Nigel

Harvey Nudelman

Curtis O'Brien

Gary  O'Brien

Rusty Osborne

Paul Oscher

Katherine C. Owen

Young Paik

Lulu Palmer

The Parada Family

Ilene Parker

Rusty Parker

Blanche Pearce

Ernest Perez

Hazel Joan Phillips-Graham

Robert Plasschaert

Jack Prins

Ted Rachofsky

Mickey Ramirez

Ned Reinhold

Barry Riggs

James Roach

Bobbie Latham Roberts

Liz Rouse

Peggy Rubino

Sarah Virginia Sanders

Josephine Santos

Don Schmidt

Lenny Schulze

Marcene Elizabeth Scully

Joanna Wilma Kocurek Scwartzkopf

Edna Silberman

William F. Shelton

Laurie Slaughter

Bertha Slinger

Granvel Oscar Smith

Adrian Sorrell

John Stancey

John Stansberry

Richard Steele

Glenda Steves

Annemarie Swinton

The Commander

John Thomas

Kathy Thompson

Henry Tippie

Frank Traverse

Joey Uriegas

Diana Geis Vandel

Carmen Wasson

Kim Jones Watts

Jeffrey Weinberger

James Welch

Douglas White 

Raymond & Alice White

Suzanne Winkelman

Sarah Youngquist

Betty Zapalac

Donations have also been made in honor of :

Christine Albert & Chris Gage

David Alverez

David and Beth Anthony

Ascension Women's Health

Miriam Bachner

Keith & Beth Bible

Ronald D Boogren

Patricia Boone

Jason Bosco, MD

Sandra Bowles

Bob Browning

Kevin Burleigh

Tom Burton

Marji & Craig Calvert

Judy & Patrick Cantilo

Annette Carlozzi and Dan Bullock

Teresa Carlson

Emma Rivera Cepeda Castillo

Carla Cheatham

Stephanie Chu, MD

Deborah and Cynthia Copeland

John Cox

Jodi DeCrescito

Dale Dingley

Esther Dye

Nita Edery

Melanie Fannin

Basil Fedun, Ph. D.

Freddie Fuller

Rachel Gardner, MD

Lara & Tom Garey

William & Doris Garnett

Velma Gauny

Jennifer Goss, MD

Ellen Gregor

Lisa Grussenmeyer

Patti Halladay

Virginia Hamilton

Mike Hatchell

Felicia and Craig Hester

Tom Hill

Nancy Hoff

Carl Hutchens

Interfaith Action of Central Texas

Bella Ivy

Sharon Jean

Barbara & Don Kiser

Morgan and Gene Knapp

Barbara Koepp

Heidi Kook-Willis

Liz Land

The Law and Reg Leadership Team

Cindy Lind

Sydelle Livington

Karen McElhatten

Jeanne Malkani

Kathy Marcus

Don Martin

To the hard working Medical Lab teams

Bruce & Roberta Menn

Ida McCormick

Bettie, & Kim Mimi

Shannon Moody

Tommy Mowles

Jessica Mueller, MD

Mary Jo O’Neal

Sammi and Blake Oberman

Evelyn Page

Rusty Parker

Patients at Hospice Austin

Jerry Payne

Vernon Pomerlau

Gary Powell

Kimberly Rutter, MD

Charles Savournin

Jean F. Shelton

Darden Smith

Evan Smith, RN

Joy Smith

Social Work partners

Kenneth Stevens

Bob Steves

Donna Stockton & Randy House

The Stuart Family

Mafalda Tan

Peggy Trahan

Joan Trusler

Grace Tutaj

Ruby Venkatesh and Singing Cygnets

Rose Vernon

Clifton Warrick

Jerry Webberman

Johanna Wellesley

Howard Weston

Ken & Marie Womack

Justine Woods

Jamie Zachrison, MD

Cindy & Harry Zimmerman

John Zimmerman

The amazing musicians who share their gifts with those at the end of life